Services for Groups

Services for Groups

Groups…learn self-care principles and the benefits of Mind-Body practices…


What can Nurse Navigators 4 Integrative Healing offer to our group?
We can design programs of various lengths and on a variety of integrative healing and healthy living topics. Our style is both informative and experiential providing an enjoyable learning environment. We believe in empowering others to manage their own self-care.


What is Integrative Healing?
Also known as Complementary/Alternative Medicine (CAM), Integrative Healing is the use of healing modalities that are not currently embraced by the current conventional medicine practices. These therapies are not used exclusively but rather are used in conjunction with Western medicine.


Example: The use of Guided Imagery to reduce anxiety rather than medication


What is Self-Care?
We take responsibility for our own healthcare by making lifestyle choices and changes that promote health and healing. We use integrative therapies for support. Surgeries and medicine are implemented as secondary rather than primary therapeutic interventions.