Services for Individuals

Services for Individuals

Individuals…learn to use Mind-Body principles for healing…


What are mind-body principles?

  • Internal self-healing process
  • Balance of mind/body/spirit
  • Power of the mind
  • Awareness of self-care lifestyle
  • Nature, time, and patience as healers

…utilizing integrative therapeutic modalities for support


What are integrative therapeutic modalities?

  • Those practices that are outside of conventional, science-based Western medicine and not sanctioned by the official healthcare system
  • Those treatments and healthcare practices not taught widely in medical schools, not generally used in hospitals, and not usually reimbursed by medical insurance companies

…and are “integrative” when used with conventional medical treatments


Example: Learning Tai Chi for Arthritis while continuing to work with your Primary Care Provider (PCP) to deal with symptoms.


What can working with Nurse Navigators 4 Integrative Healing do for me?
Once we have partnered with you in a thorough assessment, we will suggest various therapies that are available to help you achieve optimal health. In many cases we are able to treat you directly, teach you to self-care, or refer you to other healing practitioners. Self-care is often more cost effective than conventional medicine and, as nurses, we are able to support you while you continue to work with your healthcare provider.


Will integrative therapeutic modalities be covered by my insurance?
In many cases, insurance companies have begun to cover complementary therapies. Many will reimburse for Chiropractic care, Massage therapy, Hypnotherapy, and others. As “alternative” therapies become more and more integrated into conventional medicine, insurance companies will be covering a wider range of services.