Take Time for You!! Self-Care Retreat offered this Fall!

Take Time for You!! Self-Care Retreat offered this Fall!

Monday, July 11, 2016

We are offering a retreat in our “It’s About Me!” series that focuses on Mindfulness Meditation (see therapies section). Come join us to experience mindfulness in-depth, to share with other like-minded individuals, and to add to your self-care tool kit! We will explore the spiritual aspects of various mindfulness practices and learn mindfulness techniques that can help you to be present in every moment…peacefully. After a day of sharing and learning we will enjoy a Native American fire ceremony. So, please join us! Learn, laugh, and grow!!!

Just complete the registration REGISTRATION FORM Fall 2016 and email or mail to Nurse Navigators 4 Integrative Healing or contact Barbara Warner barbara@nursenavigators4integrativehealing.org / 678-427-1404.